dr sushil azadPediatric Cardiac SurgeonAmrita Hospital Haryana - India20 years experience
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- Dr. Sushil Azad is well known best Paediatric Cardiologist in Delhi and currently working in Paediatric Cardiology and Adult Congenital Heart disease Department at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.
- Dr. Sushil Azad has done 4500 interventional cardiology procedures on every age group.
- The youngest infant he treated in the cath lab was a 1.5 kg preterm who had a complex congenital heart disease.
- He specializes in dealing with congenital heart disease in all age groups (from neonatal to adult ).
- He is also available apollo hospital doctor list for an appointment.
- Dr. Sushil Azad was instrumental in developing the Pediatric Cardiology Program at Medanta and subsequently establishing the DNB Pediatric Cardiology program at Medanta Gurgaon.
- He also started the Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation program at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and later established it as the center of excellence in the only Centre doing Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation.
Specialization & Expertise:
- Echocardiography
- Diagnostic and Interventions in Cath Lab
- Arrthymias
- Fetal Echocardiography
- Pediatric cardiac Surgery
- MBBS - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, 1999
- MD - Pediatrics - Pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, 2003
- FNB - Pediatric Cardiology - National Board Of Examination, 2007
- Consultant, Pediatric at Medanta, The Medicity - Since- 2009
- Consultant, Pediatric Cardiology, at Global Heath Pvt. Ltd 2009( June- Dec)
- Associate Consultant, Pediatric Cardiology at Apollo Hospital - 2007-2008
- Fellow National Board, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, at EHIRC - 2004- 2006
- Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive care at Madras Medical Mission - 2003- 2004
- Aortico-left ventricular tunnel: Echocardiographic recognition: Indian Heart Journal, 2006 Sushil Azad, Munesh Tomar, Sitaraman Radhakrishnan, Krishna Subramony Iyer, Savitri Shrivastava.
- Right superior vena cava draining into left atrium associated with a coronary-cameral fistula occluding atrial septal deft.: first echocardiographic, angiographic, and surgical description., Pediatric cardiology Volume 30, Number 3,356-358 Azad S, Joshi R, Sachdev MS, Kohli V.
- Balloon dilatation of the pulmonary valve in premature babies with Tetralogy of Fallot. Pediatric cardiology volume 29, Number 5,946-49. Kohli V., Azad A, Sachdev MD., Joshi R, Ebeid R, Makram.
- An unusual cause of absent pulse in one arm: Isolated subclavian artery Sushil Azad, Munesh Tomar.Asian Cardiovascular and thoracic journal. Volume: 23 issue: 4, page(s): 439-442
- Indian guidelines for indications and timing of intervention for common congenital heart diseases: Revised and updated consensus statement of the Working group on management of congenital heart diseases Anita Saxena1, Jay Relan1, Ravi Agarwal2, Neeraj Awasthy3, Sushil Azad et al. 01 Sep 2019-Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
- Abernethy malformation: Our experience from a tertiary cardiac care center and review of literature Sushil Azad, Adhi Arya, Radhakrishnan Sitaraman, Amit Garg 01 Sep 2019-Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
- Left Superior Vena Cava Draining Into Left Atrium in Tetralogy of Fallot-Four Cases of a Rare Association.Ramman TR, Dutta N, Chowdhuri KR, Agrawal S, Girotra S, Azad S, Radhakrishnan S, Iyer PU, Iyer KS. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2018 Jan 1:2150135117742625
- The double outlet of both ventricles: morphological, echocardiographic, and surgical considerations. Krishna S Iyer, Ankit Garg, Sumir Girotra, Robert H. Anderson1, Sushil Azad, Sitaraman Radhakrishnan, Parvathi U Iyer 13 Apr 2021-European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
- Annual Conference of IAP (Pedicon 2012, Gurgaon) : Workshop (Role of diagnostics in pediatric practice): Sponsored symposium (Interesting case scenario in routine pediatric practice.
- UP Pedicon 2013: Workshop in Pediatric Cardiology- Coronary anomalies in children.
- Chattisgarh State Pedicon - Best paper award for Paper on “ Nutritional status of Children in Wadraf Nagar, Ambikapur”
- APCASH Hongkong - Best Paper award for paper on “ Device closure of Aortic Pseudoaneurysm using Amplatzer Septal occlude “